About Jekyll

Jekyll is a simple, blog-aware, static site generator for personal, project, or organization sites. Written in Ruby by Tom Preston-Werner, GitHub’s co-founder, it is distributed under an open source license.1


Jekyll is a small VCS-based web publishing framework that aims to be an easily accessible but also very extensible piece of software. I think its very useful, and I want to make all my sites using it now, whether I use GitHub Pages or not.


Jekyll was one of those things that comes by weirdly, something that you knew existed for a while, didn’t want to use to start out with, were too lazy to use because you thought it would be too complicated, couldn’t fathom using anything else then what you had, but once you do, you don’t know why you didn’t use it in the first place.

Thats how it was with me, maybe it was the same with you. Maybe its because you ‘liked your WordPress plugins’.. even though you hardly ever had any use of them after you installed them. Or it seems too hard to migrate your stuff. I really don’t know.. But it was pretty easy for me to get started, especially after learning GitHub Pages uses jekyll to host the projects.

My Current Review

While I’ve only started using Jekyll but its already very useful to me and I’ve been thinking of moving all my sites over to it. I know enough HTML to be able to make what i need with html/js/css so I don’t see why I shouldn’t be able to.. I just have to find a theme I like or make a new one. Either way, it has been a blast making posts and pages, you learn new things about it every day, and you want to get right back into it to make another post so you can see it come to life.

Jekyll is easy, and its.. at least for me.. fun.

If you think I should make a tutorial on Jekyll, then let me know!

As of 03/2018: I now have a guide on mkmatter here.

mkmatter RubyGems.org Link: https://rubygems.org/gems/mkmatter