

Version: Gem
Downloads on latest version: Gem
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SiteHook is a RubyGem that is used to pull jekyll blogs and build them as a intermediary between a git service webhook and a production server.
Note: ‘root’ indicates the part of the config file that has only sibling keys, and no parents, the left most column

  1. Past 0.9.1 there are breaking configuration changes, they are the following
    • ~/.shrc/config -> root:host –> root:webhook:host
    • ~/.shrc/config -> root:port –> root:webhook:port
  2. Any version number in #.#.z is to be considered a development or patch/bug release.
    • These are released often, almost every other day or more than once in a day.
    • Consider these unstable
    • Only use them if trying to help develop site_hook
  3. Any version number in #.y.0 is to be considered a beta release
    • these are few and far between
    • released when big changes are added
      • but haven’t been tested much
      • or have been tested but am unsure on other factors.
      • These may be considered stable for the most part, but may have freak bugs
  4. Any version number in x.0.0 is a major release.
    • As of 03/Oct/2018, there has been no major releases, due to site_hook currently not being totally x.0.0 release worthy.
    • once all bugs pertaining to the current minor.patch version have been fixed or features added, then there may be a x.0.0 release.

NOTE: With a development release, when submitting a issue/bug report, please include the version number in your issue title.


I’ve made a tutorial for site_hook here

This tutorial is for the < 0.9.3 version of site_hook.
For > 0.9.3 see /projects/site_hook/guide


To help develop site_hook see >here<