Notes on Usage
- You must at least have a ‘Gemfile’ as the jekyll command used requires it
- The
must also include ‘jekyll’ at the very least, other than the source method
source ''
gem 'jekyll'
- Clone your site to where you want it built from
bundle install --path vendor/bundle
otherwise you may get dependency errors
Generating a Project Block
To generate a project block, (using the latest version of site_hook).
site_hook config gen-project
This command will ask you questions and spit out an indent block to put into your ~/.jph/config
This command also gives you a hook password/token/secret.
- If you don’t like the string that was generated, then you can change it once you’ve copied the rest to your config.
If a configuration file has been created and/or generated(then edited correctly)… using ‘server listen’
should initiate the webhook and have it start
Multiplexer Usage
NOTE: I would suggest running the ‘listen’ command in a screen
or tmux
This is due to the output of logs and due to the fact that the gem is not a daemon.
tmux new -s site_hook
screen -mS site_hook
Starting Syntax
site_hook server listen
bundle exec site_hook server listen
Depending on how you installed site_hook.