As of 13/Nov/2018 Ubuntu’s core, versioned 19.04, and code-named ‘Disco Dingo’
is currently under development. And set to release April 2019, as per rolling
release date conventions.
A few of the coming features and other changes are as follows
Ubuntu 19.04 will be shipped with Python 3.7 as default on install.
Due to Python 2.x impending EOL date, its pertinent that any python software is rectified to align with 3.7’s conventions. In my own experience I see the print … vs print() and the switch between str being a base string in 2.7 and a unicode string by default in 3.7 coming into play. That is of course if the people making such libraries are still keeping their library maintained.
System (not systemd related)
Part of Ubuntu 19.04 big changes is the departure from separate directories for /bin
vs /usr/bin
which is set to also mean /lib
vs /usr/lib
and /sbin/
vs /usr/sbin
will also be symlinked to their ‘/usr’ based directory.
To complement the version, other prominent and needed libraries will be updated to their newest stable/stable-ish versions. * GSConnect (Tried for 18.10 but didn’t materialize) * GCC 8.x stable * Linux Kernel 4.21 (Seemingly could end up being versioned 5.0) * Mesa 19.0 * Gnome 3.32 (For flavors that use it)